Accessibility statement
Hello, we at Miracle Sales strive to provide a maximum user experience on the website for the general public.
The references should be directed to us by sending an e-mail to the
This website complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Service Accessibility Adjustments), 2013.
The accessibility adjustments were made according to the recommendations of the Israeli standard (TI 5568) for content accessibility on the Internet at the AA level and the international WCAG2.0 document. This standard is based on the guidelines document of the international organization that deals with standardization on the web - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
The site supports all popular browsers such as: Internet Explorer 10 and above, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
The site is optimized for mobile browsing.
This site is accessible and adapted for viewing even by people with disabilities and allows support for screen reading software and other technologies that make content accessible.
In order to meet the requirements of the accessibility standard, several adjustments were made to the site:
Title label - placing a main title on each page defined as H1
Operation using shortcut keys of screen reading software
Maintaining contrast between text and background according to the requested standard.
Maintaining hierarchy and clear visibility.
Use of clear and easy-to-fill forms + clear error messages.
Use of clear and easy to read fonts.
Use of links with an explanation of the nature of the link.
Maintaining a clean and clear menu, easy to navigate.
Option for shortcuts and quick search on the site
Alt text - textual descriptions of images that help visually impaired users
Full functionality of browsing using the keyboard - determining navigation and operation with a keyboard only according to the recommendations of the international organization (W3C)
All actions on the site can be performed using the keyboard:
Transfer to the next link on the TAB page
Activating a link ENTER
Return to previous link TAB + SHIFT
To increase the font, press the ctrl + keys
To reduce the font, press the ctrl keys -
If you come across issues that require additional access, feel free to contact us!
The references should be directed to us by sending an e-mail to the address
or for mobile 054-2137878
Statement update date: 18.1.2022